To fill a raised planter bed with clumping palms, flowers and install an irrigation system. Plant out a raised bed without ruining a view and provide potted palms to screen a balcony.
The entry planter combined Ptychosperma microcarpum, a very popular clumping palm with Ixoras and prostrate Acalypha. The client’s vision was to eventually cover the blank rendered wall without exceeding the gutter height. P. microcarpum suits this situation well as it rarely grows above 4 metres. A selection of large pots cleans up the entry doorway, making use of the client’s Portulacaria affra, and clumping ginger for height & fragrance.
Out on the rear balcony, semi-mature Trachelospermum Tricolour will spread & cascade down the face of the building, with dwarf frangipani and Ixora between for interest. Some additional P. microcarpums in planters allow for eventual shade & wall coverage at key points.
Upstairs on the small west-facing bedroom balcony, irrigated trough planters with more P. microcarpum and groundcovers turn an exposed platform into a lush semi-private space.